
Consistent use of a grid and spacing makes it easier for your users to scan the user interface and grasp the content.


Horizontal and vertical rhythm plays a big role in a layout. Use these design tokens for adding space between interface elements.

Preview Description Use

0Add description

Example: mr-0 will give margin-right: 0;

PixelAdd description

Example: mr-px will give margin-right: 1px;

1Add description

Example: mr-1 will give margin-right: 0.5rem;

2Add description

Example: mr-2 will give margin-right: 1rem;

3Add description

Example: mr-3 will give margin-right: 1.5rem;

4Add description

Example: mr-4 will give margin-right: 2rem;

5Add description

Example: mr-5 will give margin-right: 4rem;


Tailwind CSS Grid is used. (.grid). Gaps between columns use spacing token values.

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