Panel Testers

Panel testers are a perfect solution for offline quality control​. By testing your panels to evaluate and improve their quality, it ensures that the final product meets the structural standards.

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Ensure your panels meet the structural standards

Panel testers are a perfect solution for offline quality control​. By testing your panels to evaluate and improve their quality, strength and stiffness, we can help you to ensure that the final product meets the structural standards. Our panel testers are usable for Plywood and OSB​ (Oriented Strand Board).

Our testers are automated and computer-controlled, enabling you to access the test data efficiently. Test sequences are automated, and test data is captured and stored accordingly. Panel testers are suitable for all third-party tests.

There are a few panel testers for you to choose from: 

  • If you need a panel tester with easy and fast bending testing, and accurate measurement of the stiffness and strength of structural panels based on ASTM D3043, the Panel Bending Tester is your solution.
  • Get a Panel Performance Tester if you need a concentrated static and impact load testing compliant with PS 2 Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural Use Panels.


Looking for a complete mill

Complete mills

Raute is the only company in the world that can provide the entire end-to-end production process of veneer, plywood and LVL from blocks to product. Any combination of material, machinery and magnitude can be accommodated to fit your needs and form your complete mill.

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