Raute Privacy Notice - Recruitment

Updated 10 February 2021

1 Purpose of this notice and data controller

The purpose of this notice is to give you information regarding how we process personal data of individuals who apply job for Raute Corporation. The data controller of your personal data is Raute Corporation and its affiliated group companies (“Raute” or “we”), which jointly determine the purposes and means of personal data processing. Each Raute group company is responsible for the processing of its personal data in its own activities for the purposes and on legal bases set out in this notice and may use the necessary personal data collected by other group companies for the same purposes.

Raute is fully committed to protecting your personal data when using or processing them and recognize the importance of correct and lawful treatment of personal data. Any mandatory national laws or regulations will take precedence in the event that it conflicts and has stricter requirements than this notice. 

If you have any questions related personal data processing and/or this notice, please contact [email protected].

2 For what purpose is your personal information collected?

Raute process your personal data as a job applicant for the following purposes:

  • To manage Raute´s recruitment process
  • To screen, assess and evaluate all educational and professional information and relevant background information in a view of a potential recruitment
  • To prepare an employment contract in case of a positive evaluation and decision to hire.

The legal basis for processing data is:

  • Our legitimate interest, which is based on a job application and recruitment process
  • Your consent, which can be requested e.g. in the following situations:
    • Conducting personality and aptitude assessments
    • Executing medical tests or security clearances
    • Collecting information from references or social media such as LinkedIn.

3 What type of information is collected about you?

Raute collects and process following personal data which are necessary for us to run our recruitment processes:

  • Basic information and contact details, such as name, date of birth, language, country of residence, email address, postal address, phone number.
  • Information regarding job application and CV, such as information regarding work history, education, skills, certificates, confidential posts.
  • Information related proceeding of the recruitment process,g. information of interviews, tests, assessments and security clearances.
  • Other possible information you have provided us, g. in connection with a recruitment process or specifically published for professional purposes such as a LinkedIn profile or information we have separately collected based on your consent.

4 Where do we collect personal data from?

Primarily we collect personal data from you or based on your consent received from references or tests. Other information includes data related to a recruitment process. Other sources of information are used within the limits allowed by the applicable legislation.

5 Who do we share your personal data and may the information be transferred outside the EU or EEA?

We may use external professional service providers for concluding personality and aptitude assessments and recruitment process. We also use vendors which on the behalf of us process personal data e.g. recruitment, data and IT management. We have ensured the protection of your data by making data processing agreements with the service providers.

Subsidiaries of Raute Corporation process personal data of job applicants only to extent it is required to recruit for the concerned subsidiary. Data may be disclosed to outside of Raute only in conformance with applicable legislation.

Raute transfers data to countries outside the EU or EEA within the Raute Corporation. In the absence of adequacy decision by the EU Commission Raute applies standard contractual clauses approved by the European Union or other approved transfer mechanisms in order to maintain the adequate level of data protection.

6 How your personal information is protected and how long we process information

Raute applies physical, technical, and administrative protection measures to protect personal data. Only those parties who have the right to process personal data for their work performance are authorized to use the systems containing data. Raute makes data processing agreements with all subcontractors that process personal data in order to ensure appropriate data protection.

Personal data for open applications will be stored for 6 months from the submission of the application. Applications for specific tasks and personal data collected in the recruitment process will be stored for two year after the end of recruitment process.  

7 Your rights as a data subject

Right of obtain information, access, rectification and erasure

As a data subject you are entitled to obtain information of your personal data processed by Raute. You have also a right to inspect the personal data concerning yourself, which is stored in the register, and a right to require rectification or erasure of your data.

Withdrawal of a consent

When the processing of information is subject to your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal of the consent. Withdrawals can be made by requesting withdrawal from [email protected]

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the data protection regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You may lodge your complaint in the EU Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.

Other rights

You have also right to object processing or request restricting processing to the extent required by applicable data protection law. You may also request the personal data collected based on your consent and concerning you to be transmitted to another controller in a case where the data is in machine-readable and transferable format.

8 Whom can you contact?

If you have any questions related to the personal data processing or you want to exercise your abovementioned rights, please contact [email protected].