
Raute’s user interfaces are light and modern. Always use white as primary background-color of the interface.

Always use the colors according to the values given here. CMYK colors are used in printing applications, and RGB colors in digital materials.

Primary colors

The Raute color palette consists of primary and secondary colors.

The primary colors must never be lightened; they must always be used as a compact color in accordance with the color values given here.

Preview Description Use
Blue PANTONE 7461 C90 M40 Y0 K0 R0 G124 B176 #007CB0 RAL 5015
Green PANTONE 354 C76 M0 Y100 K0 R0 G181 B26 #00B51A RAL 6038
White C0 M0 Y0 K0 R255 G255 B255 #FFFFFF RAL 9016
Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 R0 G0 B0 #000000 RAL 9017
All shades of grey

Secondary colors

A palette of secondary colors has been chosen to compliment the primary colors. These colors should only be used to add effect, for example, in graphs, supporting graphics and presentations. Never use them as a dominant color.

Secondary colors can also be used as lighter shades in accordance with the percentages shown here. Lighter shades are used, for example, as background colors or as pale background colors on the website.

Preview Description Use
40% and 15% versions can also be used. PANTONE 298 C66 M8 Y0 K0 R52 G182 B228 #34B6E4
40% and 15% versions can also be used. PANTONE 116 C0 M25 Y100 K0 R253 G195 B0 #FDC300
40% and 15% versions can also be used. PANTONE 3295 C100 M0 Y56 K18 R0 G113 B96 #007864
40% and 15% versions can also be used. PANTONE 5803 C33 M8 Y39 K0 R185 G206 B172 #B9CEAC

Order of colors in charts

Preview Description Use
1. PANTONE 7461 C90 M40 Y0 K0 R0 G124 B176 #007CB0 RAL 5015
2. PANTONE 298 C66 M8 Y0 K0 R52 G182 B228 #34B6E4
3. PANTONE 354 C76 M0 Y100 K0 R0 G181 B26 #00B51A RAL 6038
4. PANTONE 116 C0 M25 Y100 K0 R253 G195 B0 #FDC300
5. PANTONE Cool Grey 9 C5 M0 Y0 K45 R141 G146 B149 #8D9295 RAL 7045
6. PANTONE 433 C60 M30 Y20 K80 R56 G62 B66 #383E42 RAL 7016
7. PANTONE 123 C35 M30 Y30 K15 R135 G133 B129 #878581 RAL 9007
© Raute Corporation 2024